watch the masterclass on building templates fast watch here

Become a Better Designer who has it together 

explore the courses

in days not months

A fast track way to learn how to grow your showit design business

I know the setbacks of wasting too much time trying to learn a new program like Flowdesk, Showit, Asana, Canva, Honeybook, and the list goes on.

But running your business smoothly and professionally to impress clients is a must. On top of all that, you might be at a place where making passive income is a must, and that's where the real learning curve might set in.

Setting up a shop, sales pages, marketing, and more, but I got you! After seven years in business, I have mastered the skills of running a business on autopilot and teaching other designers how to do the same. 

I know what you need, gorgeous designer

learn more

A three part program for aspiring Showit designers to learn Showit step by step with a community and the help of mentoring. 

A Step-By-Step Showit Designers Course

gorgeous designers


coming soon

blogging + showit

Learn blogging 

coming soon

E-Commerce + Showit Setup

learn thrivecart & bravnet

A step-by-step walkthrough behind the scenes of setting up a full Shop in Showit using ThriveCart, Bravenet, and Shopify Starter.  

Do you need help setting up your Blog in Showit and need help understanding how it all connects? Been there, done that! It's tricky. Take a course that focuses on your Blog to get it up and running. 

the courses

coming soon

Canva For Easy Designing

coming soon

Flowdesk + Showit

learn email marketing 

A step-by-step course on setting up Flodesk for your email lists and how to add the signup forms to your Showit website.   

Learn how you can use Canva to create beautiful designs for your business. From social media posts to email signatures and pricing PDF's to share with clients.  

coming soon

Setting Up Asana 101

coming soon

Honeybook For Beginners 

learn client management 

Do you need a tool to send your clients a proposal, invoice, contract, and pay you? This course will teach you how to set up a Honeybook account and save time.  

Are you tired of back-and-forth emails with clients? It's time to get organized, look professional, and have a space where each project will live. No more digging through emails!  

coming soon




If you want to password-protect Showit pages without using a WordPress blog, you may need to explore alternative methods. 

Restricted Access to Specific Content:

Consider using a third-party password protection service that allows you to secure specific pages on your Showit site with passwords. There are tools available that can integrate with your website and provide the desired functionality.

For Membership Sites or Private Portals:

If you're creating a membership site or a private portal for a specific audience, you may need a more sophisticated user authentication system. This course teaches you how to use Bravnet Password Protection and MemberSpace. 

Password Protect Showit pages

without using the wordpress blog